Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Updating Proxmox 5.x to 6.x (no subscription)

Updating proxmox from 5.x to 6.x

Tested with:

Proxmox 5.3
No running VM's

Prepare for some downtime.
See for more information or to do the upgrade without downtime.



Stop all your running vm's on the proxmox server you want to update.
Connect to your proxmox server using ssh or use shell in the proxmox interface.

Prevent errors from the Enterprise repository if already not done so:

type: nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list

Change the following line:

deb stretch pve-enterprise
# deb stretch pve-enterprise

Add Promox 5.x repository if it is not there yet:
type: nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following lines at the bottom:
# Proxmox repository No Subscription
deb stretch pve-no-subscription

Update to the latest 5.x version when needed:
type: apt-get update 
type: apt-get dist-upgrade

During the update it may stop depending what needs to be updated and show you what will be added or or removed.

You can press ENTER to continue and eventually press q for quit.

In the Web GUI you should see that proxmox has been updated to 5.4-xx

Check if your system is compatible or any issues may occur when updating to Proxmox VE 6.x:
type: pve5to6

If everything is fine you can continue otherwise resolve the issues first.

First we have to update the Proxmox VE cluster with corosync 3.
Do this also when you have no cluster configured.

Stop HA functionality on all nodes in the cluster.
type: systemctl stop pve-ha-lrm

After the above do the following on all the nodes in the cluster:
type: systemctl stop pve-ha-crm

Add the Proxmox Corosync repository on all the nodes in the cluster:
type: echo "deb stretch main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/corosync3.list 

type: apt update

We will upgrade all nodes simultaneously, e.g. using parallel ssh/screen/tmux.
Note: changes to any VM/CT or the cluster in general are not allowed for the duration of the upgrade!

Pre-download the upgrade in all the nodes in the cluster:
type: apt dist-upgrade --download-only

Run the upgrade on all the nodes in the cluster:
type: apt dist-upgrade

When the the upgrade is done on all the nodes in the cluster:
type: systemctl start pve-ha-lrm
type: systemctl start pve-ha-crm

Now let's update Proxmox VE to version 6
Add needed repositories:
type: sed -i 's/stretch/buster/g' /etc/apt/sources.list

Add Promox 6.x repository if it is not there yet:

type: nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following lines at the bottom:
# Proxmox repository No Subscription
deb buster pve-no-subscription

type: apt-get update 
type: apt-get dist-upgrade

You will get a message if you want to proceed with the upgrade.
Press ENTER to continue the upgrade.

During the upgrade it will stop and show you what will be added or or removed.
You can press ENTER to continue and eventually press q for quit.

Now you will get some questions:
Choose your keyboard layout
Every other question with Y

Reboot the server:
type: init 6

Connect to your proxmox server again with ssh.
type: pveversion -v

the first line should say:
proxmox-ve: 6. etc ....

When the first line is like above proxmox is succesfully updated to proxmox 6.x


Anonymous said...

You just saved me. Thank you sooooo much for this guide! I you ever be in Buenos Aires and want to go out for a beer or go somewhere to eat good food just let me know. You can always find me at
Greetings from Buenos Aires!


Anonymous said...

*If you ever be...

V.Kamphuis said...

I'm very glad that the guide helped you Pepín.
If i ever will be Buenos Aires i will let you know ;)

Unknown said...

I have been trying for a couple of days now to do a fresh install for proxmox V6 but couldnt do it because everytime i get an out of range error because of either my old graphics card or old screen so i decided ill go back to 5.4 and try to upgrade and your guide saved me seriously

thanks for all the help, its really awesome to see helpful people out on the internet

Same offer goes as the one TendiendoRedes did but in Egypt :)

V.Kamphuis said...

I'm glad it helped you out.
Also thanks for the offer :D